The Legendary Journey

The Legendary Journey
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of your trainer's house when she got a new puppy to see all the things a pro does?
Here's your chance!
In an effort to fund the pup's future show career, we have set up a private FB group. For just 25$ you can follow along our journey together. We will post pictures and videos daily (or as close to daily as we can manage!) We will do lives with our training sessions. We will talk through all the decisions we make, and answer questions. See how a professional raises a performance puppy!
We picked up the puppy July 11 - but we've been posting content since day one. Learn what criteria we used to pick a food, pick a name, match the dogs... see early neuro stim, and other things that set the pup up for success long before they come home. See how we set the house up, manage multiple dogs, introduce the newcomer, etc..
If you are interested - get in touch.  Email [email protected].
You can also purchase directly through the store: The Legendary Journey

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