
Upcoming Events & Classes

Join us for a variety of classes designed to further the bond between you and your pup.  Contact Us with any questions or to register for an event. Please remember - you must register for a class at least 24 hours before it starts! Last minute registrations must contact the instructor directly.

For 2024, we are focusing on making training simple and accessible for everyone!

We've got new classes, new times and new topics!

We have also simplified tuition.

Pay $25 for a single class, or pay $100 for the month and come to as many classes that month as you'd like!

We want training to be accessible to everyone!  If you want to learn, we want to help. If you have financial concerns, please get in touch! We may be able to help.

View the Full Calendar of Events

Feb 20 / REACH K9 Complex

Intro to Parkour

3155 Anderson Hwy

Feb 20 / REACH K9 Complex

Grooming; Q&A with a Pro!

3155 Anderson Hwy

Feb 24 / REACH K9 Complex

Trick Training; Novice & Intermediate

3155 Anderson Hwy

Feb 24 / REACH K9 Complex

Home Manners

3155 Anderson Hwy

Feb 27 / REACH K9 Complex

CGC Practice

3155 Anderson Hwy


View all Upcoming Events