2018 Egg Hunt

Location: Confidence Course, 3155 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan, VA 23139
Cost: 20$
March 25 – April 6
We had a great time with this last year – so we’re doing it again this year! Eggs will be stuffed with yummy [dog] treats and hidden around the confidence course. You will have 15 minutes to find as many eggs as you can! Your dog must touch the egg; but you can help him find them, and encourage him! Ribbons and prizes for most eggs found. Special ribbons to anyone that finds a Golden Egg!
Only one dog will be scheduled at a time; so even if your dog is a bit reactive; you can still participate. You MUST contact me to schedule a time slot. No drop ins. Once you’ve finished your egg hunt; you will be allowed an extra 15-20 minutes to play on the course. Kids are welcomed and encouraged to play along with their dog. Dogs should wear a harness on course; if you need a loaner, we have them.
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